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Hello Knights


In may 2012 we gave a donation to the ” Ophovener Hof” in Sittard.
Today i had an email that our donation is uses for a new home for Bee’s.
It take so long because how big our donation was, it was not enough to built it directly, they earned more donation’s and now they could create it!
They say in there mail that they where proud that we came with so manny bikes and that we gave the people who work there so a nice day!
At the and from the email they say :” Thank You” and w’re always welcome when w’re in the neightbourhood!

Blue Knights drive safely and maybe we see us again Regards from the board and the people who work at the “Ophovener Hof”

foto 1 foto 2

Frank Griek

Secretary Blue Knights Netherlands II

Ride with Pride=

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