Dear Brothers and Sisters Blue Knights,
As president off chapter Netherlands II i wish to thank all off you for your company at our meeting in Heerlen. Without you all I think it was not possible to make this meeting such a big party.
Special thanks I must bring to the members off my chapter and their wife’s who worked their buts off during this weekend.
More thanks to our DJ and to the “MEULERAATTRÖÖTESJ” ,in company off our secretary TAZFRANKY, for their fantastic ( costless) performances on Friday.
Also very much thanks to Beat and Rock and Roll Band” THE SIDEKICKS” who took care of the musical part and made the guest go wild, on Saturday. Neighbors off the place we are very sorry !!! Thanks Germany XX for their sponsoring for this super band.
Very great performance GUYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Must say also thank you to Wolfgang, who provided us. Food was splendid!!!!!
I hope we can do even better (almost impossible I think) in 5 years, and we, board and members off NETHERLANDS II, hope to see you all again sometime, somewhere in the Netherlands to celebrate our 20th anniversary.
On behave off Blue Knights, Netherlands II
Pierre Driessen President